Captain Curran's Sailing Blog

The Captain's Nautical Resources

The best cockpit is a full cockpit.


Every good captain needs a hearty crew. 

In that spirit, here's our growing list of friends with nautical related websites. Please do pay them a visit. 


Do you have an old sextant that needs repair? Bill Morris is an expert in the field. He shares his advice on this nautical sextant blog. He also wrote this very informative book on the same subject.

Want to learn about water therapy? Check out these folks.

Want to stay healthy while at Sea? Check out these folks...

The Sailing Yoga Family is hosting a yoga retreat in Bali in April, 2017. Check it out!

If your boat is docked near southern California and you're looking for a high quality survey, then look no further than Ocean Marine Surveyors. These folks are certified master marine surveyors and they can help you feel confident about the condition of your boat.

Here's a very handy site about boating in the middle section of Chesapeake Bay.

Interested in having your boat name printed on a household item? Boat Name Gear has you covered.

Looking for healthy superfoods to eat while crossing a major ocean. Here's a list of our favorite superfoods...

If you need to pick up a nautical themed gift, we certainly recommend Nautical Home. They have all sorts of cool items that will add a salty, nautical decor to your home.

Want to add a light, breezy coastal aesthetic to your house? Shop Beach Decor has lots of beach and sand inspired items to choose from.

Looking to do some charter fishing in Chesapeake Bay or out on the Atlantic? Capt. Jim has you covered.

If you are really into names, like we are - then you will enjoy this site. Wordlab is the original crowdsourced naming resource on the Internet. They can help you choose a name for a boat.

Sailing Texas helps boaters buy and sell boats in the great state of Texas.

Shamrock Charters on Lake Erie - Best charter fishing on Lake Erie - Walleye, Perch, Smallmouth Bass

Yachting Life includes many pages if very funny nautical humor.

Looking for ways to eat healthy while you are out lost at sea? Here's a good list of resources for putting meals together in the galley.

Got a pet that needs a proper seafaring leash? Island Time Pets makes and sells nautical style pet leashes.

Heading out to sea and need inspiration for meals? Galley Pirates specializes in cuisine for cruising and living aboard. New recipes every Friday!

Need to know what wild herbs to eat on a northern shore. Check out this site.

If you are fascinated with the names of famous historical ships, or any names for that matter, you will find hours of entertainment on the Linger and Look site of names and etymology.

ZB Savoy makes nautical bowties right here in San Diego, CA.

Seawear offers beautiful nautical jewelry for the fashion minded skipper.

If you get shipwrecked on an island and need advice on what plants to eat.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. We are wanting to sail from San Diego to Ensenada in the next few day or so depending on weather. We have a 38 ft Hunter. Can you help with about what time to leave San Diego to get to Ensenada in the daylight?

  3. About the question I asked on San Diego to Ensenada


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I generally respond to questions promptly...unless I am lost at Sea.