In times like these, one finds themselves socially distanced and alone with the smaller things on this planet.
Which begs the question,
Is birding important during a pandemic?
With resounding confidence I assert, 'NOW, MORE THAN EVER.'
San Dieguito and San Elijo lagoon of North County, San Diego still remain open to hikers as long as they convince the ranger they will not be congregating with others.
Ok, plowing foward...
For this post, we have a special cameo appearance from a celebrity landscape painter from central California.
Ryan 'two T's' Petterson is well known throughout the geological features/water-color painting community, however, he is considerably less well known among the birding community of San Diego.
But, please let's give this rock-jock a chance. He has requested a chance to pre-ID the birds on this post. No one has ever asked for such a challenge on the Captain's Log before, so what could I do??
I had to oblige.
Ryan, I wish you all the best. The microphone is yours. If you see fit, please list the common names for each bird, top to bottom in a comment below. And I will remind, you....the world is watching.
I included multiple shots for some birds, to show off different behavior or colors.
Common Yellowthroat (adult male Southwest) |
Common Yellowthroat (adult male Southwest) |
American Avocet (breeding male) |
American Avocet (breeding male) |
Marbled Godwit (non-breeding) |
American Widgeon (breeding pair) |
Mallards |
Mourning Dove |
California Towhee |
California Towhee |
Green Heron (1st year) |
Anna's X Costa's Hummingbird hybrid (yeah, I know....I'm getting a bit ambitious with this ID) |
Anna's X Costa's Hummingbird hybrid (yeah, I know....I'm getting a bit ambitious with this ID) |
Juvenile Spotted Sandpiper (maybe) |
House Finch |
Spotted Towhee |
Willet |
Yellow-rumped Warbler |
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