Captain Curran's Sailing Blog

February 16, 2020

Birds spotted in Ocean Beach backyard, winter 2020

Bird sightings from my desk at OB home.

Yellow-rumped Warbler
eating palm fruits

Yellow-rumped Warbler
1st winter Audubon female

Birds spotted at Steamboat Springs in January 2020

Lots of snow piled up on the ground and the rivers are almost frozen.
Steamboat Springs, January 2020

American Dipper
on the almost frozen Yampa River

American Dipper dipping into water for bugs

Black-billed Magpie

Black-capped chickadee

Mountain Chickadee

Red shafted Northern Flicker

Red shafted Northern Flicker

Birds spotted in Northern Arizona, January 2020

Birds spotted at around 6000 feet in January near Happy Jack in northern Arizona.
Pine and Juniper forest. 

Acorn woodpecker

Common Raven
near recent fire burn in Happy Jack

Common raven soaring
(crows don't soar on thermals)

Stellar Jay

Townsend's Solitaire
in front of home in Happy Jack

Birds seen in December near Mission Bay, San Diego

Birds spotted along Mission Bay and the outflow of San Diego River into Dog Beach.
December, 2020

American coot foreground, grebe in background
San Diego River estuary

Great Blue Heron
Marina Villiage

Great Egret
Breeding plumage
Marina Villiage

Great Scaups 
adults and juveniles

Long billed Curlew

Marbled Godwit (foreground)
