Captain Curran's Sailing Blog

January 31, 2019

Broke another tiller...and got a new one.

Hello sailing friends,

Long time no talk... Winter is the least boat-y season of the year.
Like many, I've been busy with the holiday season and travel...
Fortunately, I have a 2 week sail planned with the Alize' down in southern Baja.

The plan is to slowly travel from La Paz up to the islands near Loreto.

To prepare for this journey, I've just purchased a beautiful new tiller for the Newport 30 sailboat.
Check her out, this just arrived in the mail.

As you can see, the designers included a large "rise" in the dimensions. In fact, this is a 16 inch shift in plane. This allows the tiller to turn in a large radius without hitting the edge of my cockpit seats.

I am planning to sell the boat, so I thought it would be cool to put a fresh tiller on the boat.

If anyone is looking for a promptly built tiller, I recommend Jamestown Distributors. They built this in 4-5 days and the price was very reasonable.
I think I paid 140$, something like that...