Captain Curran's Sailing Blog

February 2, 2018

Happy Jessica on the Baja peninsula run

The run from San Diego to La Paz was about 1100 miles in total. Our boat travels at about 5 mph...

So, there were many long days.

Jess stayed positive the whole time...very impressive.

Jess seeing land after a 2 day crossing..time to sleep.

If we could do it again, we would spend a few more days on Cedros Island. This island is about half way down the coast. It was Baja heaven...Here we are anchored out on the northeastern corner of the island.

Jess paddleboarding with a herd of dolphins and sea lions on Cedros.


  1. Love your Blog! I sailed a Newport 30 II for 3,200 miles on the Mexico route in 1999. What a fabulous sailing yacht.

    Back then there was a Newport 30 organization in SF that documented the most common maintenance issues. Many notes were from TransPac sailors.
    The most common failures were:
    The Gooseneck fitting
    The Chainplate/bulkhead
    The Stainless post on the Rudder.

    All were pretty easy fixes. The Gooseneck I had a sand cast replica built of stronger material for $200 (They made two).
    The Chainplate was strengthened by going up a size in screws and adding a backing plate and a little epoxy work.
    The rudder I was able to remove while in the slip to inspect and mine was OK.

    In heavy seas when she launched from a big roller you could feel the keel flex the boat and a thump when it popped back. Never was a problem, but a little scary.

    She was the PERFECT yacht for the trip. Happy sailing on your voyage.
    Moody Blue

  2. Hello Moody Blue,

    Great to hear from you. Yes, my boat has been very similar to yours. I also had to fix the plate on the bulkhead. My wood bulkhead cracked from the pressure, so I used a larger plate with more screws and a special type of glue. It has held everything in place for 8 years now.
    My goosneck plate also broke... I found a spare part that worked up at Minney's in LA.
    My rudder also appears fine... knock on wood. The boat is in La Paz right now...



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