Dave Koller has become the proud new co-owner of a Capri 30 racing sailboat. The lines are drawn back to the cockpit. All the hardware looks intact. She's ready for some stiff winds.
Ready to rip: Capri 30, light and fast |
San Diego has had a fairly light wind summer, so it is nice to have a few Winter storms arrive. We took the Capri 30 for a spin in a small craft advisory and got her heeled over pretty well, definitely got the starboard rail sunk deep in the water - two knuckles deep.
Chris and Dave in the Capri cockpit |
Curran at the helm |
Bringing her back into the barn. |
next step,
fly the spinnaker!
Do you get sea sick sailing from Newport Beach to Avalon? If so, is it safe for young children?
Remember even though the outside world might be raining, if you keep on smiling the sun will soon show its face and smile back at you. See the link below for more info.
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