Captain Curran's Sailing Blog

December 29, 2013

Heavy jibe snaps my boom off the mast

 The gooseneck connection linking the boom to the mast finally busted during an abrupt jibe on a 25 kph sailing day while heading back into the Mission Bay jetty. No one was hurt.

storm breaks bool
The cotter pin holding the boom to the mast snapped...
      The hard part of this fix was removing the galvanized steel plate from the front of the boom. This plate had clearly never been removed in 38 years (the steel bolts had weather welded to the steel plate). Once removed (by drilling out the bolts), I could see that the cotter pin holding the gooseneck connector in the boom had snapped.
   So, a relatively easy fix.
   It could have been much worse.

Catalina Island trip

Sailing down the leeward coast of Catalina Island
 Hand speared rockfish and opaleye

This Angel Shark fed many people for many days.

April 14, 2013

Defunct surf shop in Ocean Beach, California

Gregg's Art and Surf was selling locally shaped boards and representing local visual artists. 
But like many small surf shops, Gregg's shop is no longer with us. It ain't like it used to be....

These hanging nautical lamps were proudly featured in the surf shop, now they are available here.

Captain Curran's hanging lamps were on display at Gregg's shop.