Captain Curran's Sailing Blog

June 23, 2010

Le Conte Glacier

This is a first for boat and crew alike. We creeped our way through a sea of broken iceberg chunks - or bergy bits, as we approached Le Conte Glacier. Le Conte is the most southerly tidewater glacier in North America.

Dan stood on the bow with binoculars to keep watch on the ice as we weaved a course to Indian Bay - a little anchorage which offered us temporary protection from the shifting and potentially dangerous ice.

Freeny kept his fancy video camera rolling and then cooked up a delicious Rice-a-roni lunch while Dan and I kayaked further into the bay.

No rest for the galley wench.

It is an odd thing to see blue glacier ice with such a temperate forest and climate as the backdrop.
Dan signals victory while quietly praying this ice block doesn't roll over while the shot is framed.
The mountains outside of Petersburg fall off into the mist as broken ice shifts north with the ebb tide.


  1. Kevin, these pictures are rad!

  2. Lovely images of the passage. The iceberg images are stunning. I love how they are so blue. Are you to recording any sound on this trip? I saw the massive film camera with the mic. Here's wishing you continued success on your most amazing journey!


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