Captain Curran's Sailing Blog

June 16, 2010


We crossed the international border somewhere along the West Dixon Entrance at 10 am on June 14, exactly one month after leaving Seattle. We threw Bruce Springsteen on the music box and yelled along to 'Badlands' with the Boss man.

After a stormy day crossing to and from Dundas Island, we rolled into Ketchikan the following afternoon with sunshine and calm seas.

Ashland was well represented at the customs dock as Kevin Freeny and Crystal Skille, and her son Ike, greeted us at Thomas Basin Marina.

Ketchikan is a cruise ship town but a good spot for re-provisioning the sailboat.

We just finished 2 days of rest and relaxation at Crystal's country cabin and are now heading North again.

Freeny has very generously offered to serve exclusively as galley wench - so as not to upset the power structure Dan and I have cultivated. Let's hope this lasts.


  1. Good on you two for reaching Alaska! So are you going to do a bit of panning for gold?


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