Captain Curran's Sailing Blog

April 28, 2009

Sailing with a couple of serious homeboys like Micah and Freeny is an absolute pleasure.
I met Freeny in Ashland, Oregon. He showed up at my girlfriend's house with a pint of Ben and Jerry's and a Harvey Keitel movie called, 'Smoke'. Then the next week he showed up with 'The Secret of Roan Innish' and then the next week with 'Roadside Prophets' another obscure one starring one of the Beastie Boys. But that was a long time ago, even before his John Sayle's phase.
Micah, I met in a geology class at Southern Oregon University. He had an afro comb in his hair and had a near perfect memory for scientific minutae. I think he still does - but the afro comb is long gone.


  1. What I wouldn't give. . .

    Well, a lot, but still, wish I were there.

  2. wait (shit, is this a setup?) Roan Inish IS John Sayles.

  3. It was the beginning of the phase. A major phase in my life. Huge. Life changing.

  4. Just thinking about it now, I am who I am BECAUSE of John Sayles. Whoa.

  5. what started as an uncommon love for 'tommy boy' has now blossomed into globe trotting - wild life videography -

    if Farley could only see you now...


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